L 04.06.2016 International Big Band Competition 2016, Hoofddorp, Holland
Big Band Tartu osutus valituks ca 200 taotluse seast. 20st valitud kollektiivist 5 osalesid TopClass'is, 15 1st Class'is, viimases meiegi. Oma alagrupis õnnestus saavutada võit, seega saime esineda finaalis, kust saabus 3 koht.

Sisemisest infost:
N-E 2-6.06.2016 konkurss Hollandis, kindel
International Big Band Copetition 2016 in Hoofddorp http://www.meerjazz.nl/
K 01.06 hommikul pilliauto laadimine ja start (Kaido, Jaanus, Joonatan)
   19:00 buss Tallinnasse, ööbimine Tallinnas Park Inn (Narva mnt. 7c)
N 02.06 kella 6ks lennujaama, kell 7:30 lend Amsterdami (kohal 9:00)
   hotell Holiday Inn Express (Jupiterstraat 162-200 Hoofddorp)
R 03.06 kell 13-16 proov ruumis Pier K (D2.11)
   Cultuurgebouw Hoofddorp (Raadhuisplein 3a Hoofddorp)
L 04.06 konkursi päev
   koht Cultuurgebouw Hoofddorp (Raadhuisplein 3a Hoofddorp)
   paraleelselt 4 saalis, meie -> 1st class B - Pier K Propulsin Zaal
   igas saalis 5 bandi, alustatakse kell 12:20, viimane lõpetab kell 17:00
   meie kellaaeg 15:20-16:00 (see on puhas esinemisaeg, ehitus lisaks)
   kui esimesest voorust edasi peaksime saama, siis mängime veel 30 min.
   kell 20:15-20:45 De Meerse Kleine Zaal
   tulemuste teadustamine kell 23:30

P 05.06 lõõgastumise päev
E 06.06 tagasilend Amsterdamist kell 10:00 (kohal 13:20) 
T 07.06 pilliauto jõuab maad mööda (jõudis tegelikult juba 06.06)

On Saturday the 4th of June the fantastic 20th edition of the International Big Band Competition was held. Within twelve hours, no less than 25 big band concerts took place, in two classes and on four stages.

The following big bands were taking part of the event:

Top Class 

Berlin Jazz Composers Orchestra[DE]led by Christof Griese
Big Swingin' Group[DE]led by Olaf Hengst
Jazzisfaction Big Band[BE]led by Jos Moons
JugendJazzOrchester NRW[DE]led by Gabiel Pérez
and Stefan Pfeifer-Galilea
Prague JJ Conservatory Jazz Orchestra[CZ]led by Milan Svoboda


First Class 

Amstel Big Band[NL]led by Sven Schuster
baJAZZo Bigband Emmerich[DE]led by Christian Mallach
Big Band Blast![NL]led by Nils van Haften
Big Band Exposure[NL]led by Rini Swinkels
Big Band Tartu[EE]led by Petri Juutilainen
Biggles Big Band
[NL]led by Adrie Braat
Caravan Big Band[DE]led by Franz-Josef Schwade
Central Heat Big Band
[NL]led by Hein Buying
De Utrechtse Studenten Big Band[NL]led by Daan Bogers
Persi Swing Collective
[NL]led by Daan Bogers
Phoenix Foundation[DE]led by Frank Reichert
New Sound Jazz Machine[NL]led by Joris Bolhaar
New Town Swing Orchestra
[DE]led by René Bornstein 
Uni Big Band Kaiserslautern[DE]led by Thomas Weithäuser
West Coast Big Band[NL]led by Kurt Weiss


The jury did consist:

Scott Hamilton (chairman)
Ack van Rooyen
Johan Plomp
Jarmo Hoogendijk
Rob Horsting
Rob van Bavel
Haye Jellema
Tineke Postma

For an overview of the winners, see [prizes]

Winners 2016

International Big Band Competition 2016

The jury led by the American saxophone player Scott Hamilton Praised the high level in both classes, the interplay between and within sections, the mutual cohesion, the level of soloists and dynamics.

De winners in the Top Class are:

De winners in the 1st Class are:


Best Reed/Brass Player


Best Soloists

  • Andy Ninvalle - Vocals - Amstel Big Band
    (Sponsored by: Deli XL)
  • Els Artois - Vocals -Jazzisfaction Big Band
    (Sponsored by: HCnieuws.nl)
  • Joris Bolhaar - Composer/Arranger - New Sound Jazz Machine
    (Sponsored by: Lizacards)
  • Maximilian Kohns - Altsax - Uni Big Band Kaiserslautern
    (Sponsored by: Hoorbegrip Haarlemmermeer)
MTÜ Laulu- ja pillimänguselts Con Vivo, Aiandi tee 3-29, Lohkva, 62207 Tartumaa, e-mail: convivo, tel. +372 518 8010